Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ask The DOC: Sex Advice

Question 1.Ok so say I do have sex with my best friend. Ok, neither of us have any STDs. The question is..... Could we get HIV from shooting "loads" into each others mouths/asses? I'm talking over a period of time with neither of us having sex with someone else. If this happens I don't want him or myself using condoms, just lube.

Answer: If neither of you have any STD's then you can't give any thing to each other.If you trust him not to cheat on you with someone else, then bareback sex is much more fun!But my Advice always use condom when you are not 200% sure....

Question 2. I am 20 years old. When I started masturbating, I used to experience a tight erection but ejaculated within five minutes. I used the "stop and start" method and it helped me a lot. However, I don’t get a tight erection. Please help.

Answer. The tightness depends on how excited you are. When the time comes, it will make you proud.

Question 3. I am 30 years old and have been masturbating since I was 14. Now I have erectile dysfunction and hair loss. Many friends have told me that I am losing hair because I masturbate too much. How can I overcome erectile dysfunction? Please reply.

Answer. Obviously you have made masturbation a habit. Try your best to restrict it only to when you are sexually excited. Possibly the erectile dysfunction will resolve itself, if you do not masturbate for about 10 days. There is no connection between hair loss and masturbation. Your friends are wrong.

Question 4. What are the causes of fungal infection in the genital area? Is it infectious?

Answer. The infection is caused by a fungus called Taenia. It can be passed on by intense scratching - it passes the fungus to the nail bed from where it travels on. Thus it is often referred to as Dhobi’s itch. It is a persistent infection, so long term therapy with anti-fungal ointment and/or special tablets is advocated.

Que 5. Between the age of 20-25 years, is it ok to watch blue films to educate myself sexually, or should I try to get some practical experience. Also if blue films is the way to go, please tell me where I can get hold of these films.

Ans. Blue films are not the proper source to get sex education as they exaggerate a great deal. And neither is having sexual intercourse. Instead of learning, you can land up with a sexually transmitted disease or an unwanted baby on your hands. Get a book like Sex Power by R. H. Dastur.

Question6: My Boyfriend wants Bareback, Should I allow him????

Answer: When it comes to sex, how much are you willing to bare? The decision to bareback is not always easy, especially when the situations and individuals involved change. If you are having anal sex with a steady partner, a regular sex buddy or a number of individuals, chances are you've been faced with the decision of whether to bareback (or have anal sex without a condom) or practice safer sex. That decision can have a lasting effect on your future. Unprotected anal sex can drastically increase your chances of contracting or transmitting HIV and other STDs.

Que :What is the difference of a penis between a normal and gay man?

Answer: whats the difference between the boobs of a lesbian and a STRAIGHT woman.... ?

......Thanx for ur questions & queries, u can ask more questions as comments below, which will be replied in next edition ..... have fun Stay safe

1 comment:

  1. can u please tell me the side effects of Anal sex for the bottom partner
